LeBron James, Chris Paul, and Dwyane Wade Enjoy a Relaxing Trip to Ibiza, Spain, with a Beach Visit on a $50M Luxury Yacht


On Friday, July 1, Dwyane Wade, Chris Paul, and LeBron James went to the beach together while on a leisurely vacation in Ibiza, Spain.

For the trip that appeared to be intended just for adults, the basketball stars’ significant others—including Dwyane’s wife Gabrielle Union—joined them.

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That day, the three couples went to Juan y Andrea, a restaurant in Formentera, for lunch. Gabrielle wrote, “Vacation Vibes…@dwyanewade @cp3 @KingJames @mrs_savannahrj @jada_ap,” as the Instagram description for the picture below.

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LeBron recently had his huge victory at the NBA Championships a few weeks ago!

The Miami Heat star was having a great time in Ibiza, Spain, with Cleveland Cavaliers champion LeBron James, while rumors were circulating that Wade was in early talks to join the Cavs.

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The two have been observed boating about the party island with their significant others, along with Chris Paul of the Clippers and their partners. They have also been spotted eating lunch on the island of Formentera, where it appeared that LeBron was still celebrating his team’s NBA victory.

Dwyane Wade, LeBron James, & Chris Paul Go on Vacation in Ibiza Together!:  Photo 3696504 | Bikini, Chris Paul, Dwyane Wade, Gabrielle Union, Jada  Paul, LeBron James, Savannah Brinson, Shirtless Photos |

“They appeared to be having a good time,” reports a spy at Juan y Andrea restaurant. “When they departed, everyone applauded them.”

dwyane wade lebron james chris paul ibiza vacation 013696466

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