This symbol has gained a lot of popularity, so today we present you some Dreamcatcher tattoos and their meanings in various cultures.
Dreamcatchers, also known as dream catchers, are objects made by hand, traditionally made with willow wood and a framework on the inside in the shape of a net, decorated on the outside with bird feathers.
These elements originate from the native peoples of North America and were used as dream traps or dream lures. Its symbolism is based on its main function: to catch only good and positive dreams, keeping away the negative ones. Some people use them as amulets or good luck talismans, and recently, dream catcher tattoos have gained a lot of popularity.
The high demand for these dream catcher tattoo designs is due to the aesthetics of this object, since it looks great when several colors are combined. Additionally, some people choose to get them tattooed as a symbol of protection.
Photos of Dreamcatcher Tattoos
See Infinity tattoos
Generally, women are the ones who choose these dream catcher tattoos, although this is not a rule and some men even combine them with wolves or other symbols.
Now that you know the meaning of Dream Catchers and have some dream catcher tattoo design ideas, you are sure to choose a great style that suits you.