The story “Six Watches”

The story of “Six Watches”.
It didn’t take Nuk long to find Maricella. He walked along the bank upstream. He expected to meet her there. Before he jumped off the boat, he told her to swim to the beach and wait for him there. Nuk followed the path trodden by the animals. It was hard to walk in the middle of the forest in the dark. Wet leaves were sticking to his face and it wasn’t a pleasant feeling. After half an hour he heard talking.

For every step forward, we take two steps back! A female voice spoke. Sit here and don’t move! Wait until I come back! The girl waved her hands. How dare he talk to me like that! It was hard not to guess who it was. Maricella was running around a small forest clearing trying to collect firewood. Now and then she would gesticulate strongly with her hands as if she wanted to imitate Nuk. Nuk stopped behind the bushes and watched Maricelle with interest. She placed all the collected wood in a small pile and placed dry grass and leaves under the wood. She is like a little scout, he laughed quietly.

Where the hell am I going to get fire now? She stated. She started looking around. She was looking for something. Finally, she screamed and ran towards the beach. Nuk raised his eyebrows in surprise. She quickly returned, and in her hands, she had several small stones and short dry sticks. First, she took two stones. One in one hand and the other in the other and she started hitting them vigorously. She tried several times and nothing. She hit them together again and still nothing. She must have stubbed her finger in the meantime because she squealed with anger and dropped one of the stones on the ground. Furious, she repeated…Sit and wait until I come! Soon after, she started crying.

Nuk started to feel bad about it, he looked at the girl in tears. He quickly stood up and walked towards Maricella, speaking in the voice of a savior. Like I said, wait for me because I’ll be back soon. Nuk didn’t expect Maricella’s reaction. He had no idea what she was going to do. Nuk is not a stranger, she knows him, right? At that right minute, he felt a cold and then hot sensation in the upper left corner of his lip.
To be continued.
IG: Royally666

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